Thursday, January 12, 2012

Update: Four Popular "OLTL" Stars Heading To "GH", Including Michael Easton!!!!

A big wave of good news hit daytime yesterday with the shocking news that not one, not two but FOUR popular "One Life To Live" soap stars (Michael Easton, Kassie DePaiva, Kristen Alderson and Roger Howarth) were heading to "General Hospital".

The news hit the internet and exploded on the social networks, blogs, message boards, save the soaps campaign sites and more!

After such daunting news that "AMC" and "OLTL" would not continue with new shows online due to "Prospect Park's" poor mishandling of the situation, and with "OLTL" winding down to the last show on 1.13.12, soap fans are NOT happy.

So with the following statement and new promo for "General Hospital" lets just say it's going to be one hell of a fun watch when uber popular stars/characters "Blair Manning", Todd Manning (The original Todd Manning), "Starr Manning" and dear lawd the ever so sexy "John McBain" hit Port Charles! Deets below:

Official Statement:

GH show runner Frank Valentini said in a statement:

We have a very exciting story planned for the citizens of Port Charles, with Sonny Corinthos at the center of it!” former OLTL boss/new GH showrunner Frank Valentini said in making the announcement. “I am confident viewers and fans alike will be excited for the arrival of John (Easton), Starr (Alderson), Blair (DePaiva) and Todd (Howarth). Incorporating characters from ‘One Life to Live’ continue the legacy of the show as we weave them into ‘General Hospital.’”

Whew! It's going to be cray cray in Port Charles. Soooo many possibilities. The showdown between Sonny (Maurice Benard) and Todd (Roger Howarth), the inevitable pairing of Sonny's son Michael Corinthos and Starr Manning, the thought that John McBain could be involved in Jason and Sam's relationship in a BAD way because the actors Michael Easton (John McBain) and Kelly Monaco (Sam) have history when they starred together years ago on "General Hospital" spinoff soap "Port Charles" and they had CHEMISTRY!!!! Not only that Michael Easton played a VAMPIRE named Caleb on the show. It was off the chain!!!! So even though they play new characters now, the chemistry must still be there and there are die hard "Jason/Sam" fans just as there are still die hard fans of "Caleb/Olivia". But what could be even more interesting is if "GH" recruits actress Renee Elise Goldsberry to reprise her popular "OLTL" character "Evangeline" and have her head to Port Charles as well and heat things back up between "John/Evangeline" (Check the sidebar) They smoked the screen up and there are definitely die hard "Jovan" fans.

For those who are not "OLTL" or "GH" fans, this all may seem boring to you, if so WHATEVA!!!! This is historic and must see TV!!! :D

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