Thursday, January 26, 2012

[Video] - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Had THE NERVE To Put Her Finger In The Face Of The President!

Side Note: Jan Brewer is known to act cray, however she has gone "batshit craazy" by having the audacity to not only go off on the President in public, but to then put her old crusty azz looking finger in his face... It's just unacceptable!

It was completely disgusting and I know one thing HER BITCHAZZ WOULD NOT HAVE STUCK HER FINGER IN HIS FACE IF FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA WAS THERE! IF SHE HAD, not only would she have gotten a "verbal reprimand" (a.k.a - cussed the f**K out) but it's also a good chance she would have been walking around now sporting a cast on that finger.

The continued disrespect Republicans show to President Obama is very disturbing. It shows how unstable they are and MANY in their party are weak, archaic, racist, hypocritical, unreasonable, out of touch with reality and for these reasons, they are assuring the re-election of President Obama in November. For that, I say THANK YOU!

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