Monday, February 6, 2012

[Video] - Clint Eastwood's Chrysler Super Bowl Commercial Causes A Political Stir Of Controversy! [UPDATED]


I am so loving this story. After the legendary actor/director Clint Eastwood's Chrylser commercial aired last night, folks politically lost their minds. Tweeting crazy ish. Why the uproar? Well Clint is a known Republican and spoke out against the bailout plan, including the bailout that saved the auto industry.... so his commercial praising the effort in the new commercial made Republicans piss their pants and Democrats saying #Boybye, you did not pull together to help the auto industry.

However Democrats should see this as a victory. I do.

You have a well known, very respected man, who is also a Republican, just give a huge "shout out" for the upsurge in the auto industry due to the BAILOUT he was opposed of! DUH! #Winning

I'm a huge fan of Clint Eastwood's work, always have been. But I have never let his political affiliation deter me from enjoying his work. He is an amazing actor and director. Btw... He's married to a sista! Ahhh yes I had to throw that in there. :D

Deets below about the commercial uproar.

Via The Huffington Post:

Clint Eastwood is known for his libertarian views and support of the Republican party, so it was a surprise to see him narrate a Super Bowl ad holding up the revival of Chrysler and other Detroit auto makers as a model for a new American resurgence.

As recently as last year, Eastwood was criticizing President Obama's 2009 bailout of the auto industry, which set the stage for Chrysler's resurgence.

"I'm a big hawk on cutting the deficit," Eastwood told the Los Angeles Times in November. "I was against the stimulus thing too. We shouldn't be bailing out the banks and car companies. If a CEO can't figure out how to make his company profitable, then he shouldn't be the CEO."

In the commercial, called "It's Half Time in America," Eastwood points out that Americans are hurting, then adds: "The people of Detroit know something about this. They almost lost everything. But we all pulled together. Now Motor City is fighting again."

Commentators on both sides of the political divide were taken aback by Eastwood's apparent reversal.

"Agh. WTH? Did I just see Clint Eastwood fronting an auto bailout ad???" Michelle Malkin, the conservative columnist, tweeted during the game. Greg Mitchell, blogger for the liberal paper The Nation, also weighed in, tweeting, "Republican Clint Eastwood claims 'we all pulled together' to save Detroit--wrong, your party did not, big guy."

Love this effin commercial!!!!

Btw... Quote from Clint Eastwood about Race In America:

My wife's part black, and she grew up in Fremont, California, with people saying, 'You can't drink from that tap,' and calling her bad names. I like to think we're way beyond that, but so much prejudice, even now, comes from parents.

The old mentality that someone is superior to someone else is shoved down at the kids, and they carry it all their lives.'

CLINT EASTWOOD fears racism is still a big issue in America.



After a day filled with chatter about the political implications of his "Halftime in America" Super Bowl commercial for Chrysler, acting legend Clint Eastwood moved to quell any speculation that he was making a pitch for President Obama's economic policy.

"l am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama. It was meant to be a message about job growth and the spirit of America," Eastwood, a libertarian and longtime Republican voter, said Monday evening on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" about the ad, which features him extolling the virtues of a revitalized Detroit. Chrysler was one of the companies saved in President Obama's 2009 auto bailout, which Eastwood has publicly opposed. "I think all politicians will agree with it," he continued. "I thought the spirit was OK."

Eastwood, who said he was "not supporting any politician at this time," also gave his blessing for either party to reference the spot, or at least its message.

"If Obama or any other politician wants to run with the spirit of that ad, go for it," he said.

Earlier in the day, Fox News contributor Karl Rove criticized the ad for being "a sign of what happens when you have Chicago-style politics, and the President of the United States and his political minions are, in essence, using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising."

In response, Eastwood's longtime manager Leonard Hirshan told NY Magazine that the ad was never intended to be political.

"I think that Rove and everybody, if they're sensible, would wonder why a longtime Republican and Libertarian would do that," he said. "Just think about that, how silly that is: It's not like [the ad] was done by a left-winger, like Paul Newman in his day. It was done by a Republican, and he was doing it about America. There's not anything political to do with it whatsoever. I don't want him to do commercials, and as far as I'm concerned, it's a PSA [public service announcement]. Period."

Side Note: This is pure comedy. Eastwood had to release a statement over a commercial... a COMMERCIAL people! The commercial speaks for itself. Republicans need to calm down. Meditate.

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