Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kola Boof Says She's Sleeping With Kimora Lee Simmons' Hubby Djimon Hounsou + Kimora Responds!?


Kola Boof, the woman who says she was kidnapped by Osama Bin Laden and held hostage for six months has been going IN on twitter about Kimora Lee Simmons and her hubby actor Djimon Hounsou. Kola Boof is very blunt and tweets really crazy ish, especially about race, and I don't know if she is certifiable or what, but she went IN and continues to do so about the claims that she is ****ing Kimora's hubby Djimon.

Now mind you she has a show coming out in March so you know folks will do some ish for publicity.

She went a step further and released a response this week she directed toward black bloggers. It was a list A-Z about the Kimora/Djimon rant.

Lawd!!! LOL This ish is cray!

Part of her blog response below:

(A) N****R “blogs” that hate African women think that consistently posting the worst photo they can find establishes what said woman looks like. NOT.

(B) Black Americans don’t know S**T about beauty. They think a Fat-faced ASIAN who looks like the “Winking Snail” they serve at Benihana automatically equals cute. To their self-hating black a**es, she’s “beautiful” just because she’s not black, just because she’s light and other. To her fellow Asians, she’s a fat pudgy-faced reject who went to the Black community because n****rstock think anything Non-Black is automatically cute—no matter how “out of shape” and “flat a**ed” it is.

(C) Men compliment Kola’s huge natural breasts, 50-inch legs, nice shapely a** & her dazzling Egyptian cheekbones. HER FACE is striking Men claim. She has amazingly beautiful soft cocoa skin. When she walks down the street (at 6 feet 2 inches tall)…people call her “Nubian Goddess.” Because she actually is.

(D) Kola Boof is “vaginally infibulated”—so her p***y is outrageously TIGHT. He complains how ‘loose’ & fleshy the other girl’s is. Can’t get traction. Maybe Cabbage Patch-face should get that Bubble Gum t**t of hers tightened back up.

*It might also help if she washed her a** sometimes. Bad Hygiene causes the husband to go around complaining she stinks. That’s no good when your husband whispering to his friends that you stink.

(E) Sometimes men MARRY for reasons that are strategic, not romantic. The Ex-Girlfriend they loved “freaking with” in happier days…. becomes part of the P.R. arranged marriage.

(F) Powder Princesses love to gossip & *START* s**t. But they cry like babies when someone is bold enough to call their BLUFF in public. It shocks them when the s**t they started turns into a Boomerang.

(G) You were f*****g my man when he was **MY BOYFRIEND**… it’s okay for me to f**k him now that he’s your husband.

(H) African Men always return….to an African P***y. It’s like radar. Your Korean mother found that out didn’t she? Your own dad is f****g Black women now. So why you feel superior?
(W) Kola Boof gives not a f**k what AMERICAN BITCHES think of her ribald truthful bluntness. She gives not a f**k about GOD & CHURCH.

(X) KOLA BOOF….is not one for PRETENTION or “fake manners & mores.” Kola Boof is loving, kind & down to earth. But don’t f**k with her.

(Y) Kola Boof loves all human beings of every type. Kola is a nice lady. But Kola will give you…what you give her. Kola is no one’s victim. Kola does not go “in back”–Kola is not the maid or the wallflower. Kola disrespects those who disrespect her. Kola is a free woman.

(Z) KOLA BOOF…will kick your motherf*****g a**. Or die trying. She thinks the world of herself. She is not crazy. She has good damn sense. The lies that are continuously perpetuated about Kola Boof by weak, ladylike gossiping b*****s need to stop.

Side Note: There are just no words! LOL #CRAY!!!!

So twitter has been blowing up for past few days about this story and folks were wondering if Kimora or Djimon would respond. LOL, Well Kimora tweeted what sure as hell looks like a response:


LMFAO!!!! PREACH Girl!!! Stay Fabulous! Luvs It!!!! Lawd!!! Twitter is off the chain!

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