Saturday, August 11, 2012

Coupled Up: Michael Fassbender & Nicole Beharie Spotted In London Having Romantic Stroll In Park!


Yesterday a tumblr user posted her account of spotting Michael Fassbender and his girlfriend Nicole Beharie at London's Regent park, and bless her heart she snapped pics and gave deets!

Shoutout to tumblr users 'Brown Girls Love Fassy' and 'Itsthecherries'.

 Via ItsTheCherries.Tumblr.Com:

About half an hour before the park closed I was standing by the llama pen. And suddenly - so was Michael Fassbender…

I’ve seen famous people before - particularly in London (including the awesome evening I was in a bar with James McAvoy and Tom Hiddleston. Simultaneously.*)

I’ve become familiar with the double take that always occurs when you bump into someone famous. Let me tell you - I quadruple-taked. At least. And he was standing less than 2 feet away. Admiring the llamas.

I like to think that if he’d been alone, I might have plucked up the courage to say something, but he was on a date with Shame co-star/girlfriend Nicole Beharie (who looked very cute with her hair tucked up in a hat and very tight jeans.) So instead I gave him what i think, in retrospect, was a not-too-embarrassing British-patented “isn’t it a lovely day?” smile-and-nod, which only a hint of deargodyou’resexy…

(Nicole being with him probably saved me - because if I’d tried to say something to him, I probably would have just said the first thing that came into my head - which at that point in time had a good chance of being llama-related…)

And he was - very hot in his sunglasses and leathers (though I do question why he was still wearing a leather jacket on such a sunny day, though he was also carrying a bike helmet too, so he’s forgiven).

Anyway,they walked off and I denied temptation and decided not to follow (nobody else in the park seemed to have notice them at all) but I did grab my Blackberry and got a couple of (terrible) shots. I wandered around the park until it closed, but I didn’t see them again.

Though in a city of God-knows-how-many-people I’m amazed I bumped into him at all. Anyway - these pictures could really be anyone - although I think there is some hint of the familiar Fasbender gait —-

Anyway - i’m still reeling a bit. They seemed to be having a good day (and I saw him affectionately squeeze her bum as they walked away.) Hope I don’t come across as being stalker-ish with these pics - I really did try to leave them be as far as my fan-girl heart would let me.
Side Note: To the racist haters.......... Wipe your tears! LMFAO