Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sources Say Rihanna Will "Never" Let Chris Go!

Ok! Magazine is reporting the following info about the Rihanna/Chris Brown Drama....Details below:

chris, rihanna Pictures, Images and Photos

“Sean thinks they’re both good people and knows they love each other,” a friend of Diddy [said]. “While he doesn’t condone Chris’s behavior, he believes people make mistakes and that everyone deserves a second chance.”

As part of his promise to reform, the R&B singer enrolled in an anger management course, attending his first class in Glendale, Calif., on Feb. 23. Says a friend, “He’s the first to admit he f****d up.”

Another insider reveals that Diddy offered his Miami Beach house to both Rihanna and Chris at different times and that Rihanna only agreed to take Diddy up on his offer “when she agreed to meet Chris.”

But why did she accept Chris’s offer of reconciliation? A source who knows the couple [says] that Rihanna can be a clingy and possessive girlfriend. “She always has to have Chris around,” says the source. “If he’s with her on a photo shoot and he steps away, she starts saying, ‘where’s Chris?’ If he isn’t with her, she wants to call and check in.”

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